Automobile Parts-Used & Rebuilt (Whol) The President of North Coast Core Inc. is Scott West Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Bible Way Church of Atlas Road was originally established as the Bible Way Church of Arthurtown, with a membership consisting of 13 adults and their children. Services were held in a small church building affectionately known as “The Little Red Church. ”
On January 22, 1966, the “Little Red Church” was completely destroyed by fire. Though devastated, the faith of this congregation never wavered, and they prayed for a new location. Doors were opened making it possible for them to hold Sunday morning services in the auditorium of the Atlas Road Elementary School (now the C. R. Neal Dream Center ). The church members purchased property directly across the street from the elementary school in March 1967.
On October 8, 1967, they marched into their first new sanctuary. On November 5, 1967, the church was dedicated, consecrated and thereafter called the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road. From these humble beginnings grew a ministry which reaches thousands of people weekly.
Scrapyards, motor vehicle, used parts (trade)
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